Category: Tech

  • Enterprises Should Implement Change, Not Applications

    “Business benefit comes from the integration of people and process with information technology. Most projects focus too much attention on the technology and too little on people, process and change management.” – Dave Gardner, Dave Gardner’s life’s work has been improving business execution and collaboration within the enterprise and beyond the enterprise into the sales/dealer…

  • Google’s Marissa Mayer profiled in the best magazine you aren’t reading.

    Some trust is going to be required here… I want to introduce you to the best technical magazine that you aren’t reading. Not gonna tell you the name yet, cause you’ll just click out. But the magazine I’m writing of has recently printed articles on: The self-proclaimed “girly girl” that runs Google’s location and local…

  • So…you thought my “app for that” post was wacky?

    If you thought my post panning apps and proposing the idea that we should be thinking about HMTL5 instead of OS specific mobile apps was misguided, read what LinkedIn did. Take that fanboy(girl)!

  • Be Together Conference online registration is about to close…and don’t miss these two sessions!

    The Bentley Be Together conference registration will close on May 11th and, if you’re planning to attend, please check out my two sessions: Strategies for Enterprise Adoption of ProjectWise (Thursday, 1PM, Room 105B) This session will provide guidance for the effective, organization-wide adoption of ProjectWise. We’ll discuss strategies for success in the areas of scalability, availability,…