Category: Tech

  • Where will the “Cloud” be in 2020?

    “By 2012, most computing and storage will be in the cloud, and we’ll stop calling it the cloud.” Google Engineering Director Peter Magnussson at the IEEE Technology Time Machine 2012 Symposium

  • SaaS revenues grow dramatically, but will SaaS be a factor in EIM?

    According to Gartner, 2011 SaaS revenues were $12.3 billion and they expect that number to climb to $14.5 billion for 2012. Gartner claims that North America is where much of the growth will come from and that the USA is expected to reach $7.8 billion in 2012, up from $7.8 billion in 2011. But what…

  • Ready for “Enterprise Search 2.0”?

    First, I’m not representing any particular vendor here, but will add a link to an interesting site at the end. Google is it…end of story…right? Well, as easy as it is to locate information with Google, search results are provided with context most of the time. Context?…I mean that the search results are normally tailored…

  • “Cloud computing” as the dominant model in EIM?

    About two years ago I attended a conference in Silicon Valley where Matt Porta from IBM was introduced as “The smartest man in the world.” I recall that Matt has ~ 500 scientists in his organization and one of his roles is to predict industry trends. During a panel discussion he was asked, “Where will…