Google’s Marissa Mayer profiled in the best magazine you aren’t reading.

Some trust is going to be required here…

I want to introduce you to the best technical magazine that you aren’t reading. Not gonna tell you the name yet, cause you’ll just click out. But the magazine I’m writing of has recently printed articles on:

  • The self-proclaimed “girly girl” that runs Google’s location and local services. (she has 1000 people working on this BTW)
  • The Top ten Tech Cars
  • Deflecting Asteroids
  • Spain’s Declaration of War on Online Pirates
  • The GPS interference controversy
  • The potential that a solar superstorm could cause power grids to fail EVERYWHARE
  • Laser based explosive detection devices
  • The tech necessary to reach the Mariana Trench

So what magazine is it? IEEE Spectrum! I know, I know. Yeah…in one issue you can learn some dirt on DARPA AND how to build a reflow oven out of a toaster oven. But, I’m telling you, the majority of the articles you will be interested in. (I’m not an electrical or electronics engineer…but I love this mag) Better than American Scientific and Popular Science. And…you’ll learn about technology that you probably thought you had no prayer of understanding. I never thought I might be able to grasp optical cryptography, or enjoy doing so. They are that good…technological deep dives for the novice.  How they do it remains a mystery to me, but the writing does just that. And…you can read it online if you like.

To get you started, here’s a link to Google’s Marissa Mayer…one of the first 20 employees, who now runs one of their hottest bunch of technologies…enjoy.





One response to “Google’s Marissa Mayer profiled in the best magazine you aren’t reading.”

  1. […] mentioned Marissa Mayer back in May ( ) and today learned that she’s left Google, where she ran Google’s location and local […]

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