Category: Tech

  • Did Bentley just ship Records Management for ProjectWise?

    Did Bentley just ship Records Management for ProjectWise?

    With the announcement that Bentley’s latest release of eB Insight (That’s SELECTSeries 3) brought Department of Defense 5015.02 Records Management certification, one might ask when will Bentley get around to certifying ProjectWise for records management? Well the answer is both “never” and “just did”. ProjectWise is aimed at work in progress, collaborative design workflows and the processes managed there do spinoff documents…

  • Interesting Discussion on Mobile OS “Winner” on Be Communities

    There’s some interesting discussion starting to materialize Be Communities on the mobile OS “Winner”. Some related comments were posted here:  

  • An Infographic History of HTML5

    An Infographic History of HTML5

    I mentioned that I think “an app for that” is overdone when many use-cases call for a connected client. ( See original comments here ) And yes, I know HTML5 can be used in an “offline” mode too. Given my opinion that HTML5 approaches should be considered first before OS specific apps, I found this infographic…

  • Marissa Mayer Leaves Google to Lead Yahoo

    I mentioned a good article on Marissa Mayer back in May ( ) and today learned that she’s left Google, where she ran Google’s location and local services, to become Yahoo’s CEO. This move probably says more about Google than Yahoo. With two founders (Larry Page and Sergey Brin) and Eric E. Schmidt (as the…