Category: Change

  • Grappling with the change that new systems bring

    Change is good. Really? My observation is that few people accept change easily…which seems to indicate that they aren’t convinced that change is good. Mark Twain once said, “I’m for progress, it’s change I don’t care for.” Does that sound like  someone you know? Implementing information management systems is a notoriously tough business…with a lot…

  • Stealing Ideas

    Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats. Howard H. Aiken, IBM Portaits in Silicon 1987

  • Enterprises Should Implement Change, Not Applications

    “Business benefit comes from the integration of people and process with information technology. Most projects focus too much attention on the technology and too little on people, process and change management.” – Dave Gardner, Dave Gardner’s life’s work has been improving business execution and collaboration within the enterprise and beyond the enterprise into the sales/dealer…

  • Geoffrey Moore on Change Management

    “We’ve been talking about change management for 30 years and it’s been a fraud. And it can’t continue to be a fraud.”