With more than 181 million blogs on the web, do we really need another?

As I’ve become more active on Twitter I’ve realized the need for having a place to expand thoughts that can be redirected to from a Tweet.

But I’m adding to the blogosphere with some hesitancy…after all, according to NM Incite (a Nielsen/McKinsey company) there are over 181 million blogs already.

(Click the Image to visit NM Incite)

My hope for this blog is that it will provide value to you through my comments (and your feedback and posts) on Engineering Information Management (EIM), Change, Thinking, Travel and Tech…all outcroppings from my professional focus on information management.

I’ll post or Tweet regularly (2-3x per week), but will try to limit the blog entries and Tweets to those that bring value for those engaged with EIM. No personal posts…you won’t learn what sort of sandwich I’m eating.

I’d enjoy having you follow me here and on Twitter (@algray) AND getting your feedback. BTW…I try not to autopost to multiple social sites where it’s likely that a reader will see a post more than once. Sometimes though, I’m compelled to do so if it makes sense due to the content…Cheers…Al







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