Month: March 2013

  • Pessimist vs. Optimist

    Pessimist vs. Optimist

    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. – Winston Churchill

  • Interruptions


    You have more to do today than you can squeeze into a single eight hour day. (Join the club) Throughout the day you’re faced with many varying and unplanned demands on your time. (And your point is?) You basically live inside of Outlook (any mail client qualifies for this rant) yet the number of the incoming…

  • A Starbucks tip for International Travelers

    A Starbucks tip for International Travelers

    It’s my privilege to travel internationally on a regular basis and I frequently visit multiple countries on a single trip. I’ve gotten pretty good at most aspects of international travel, but one of the things I’ve struggled with is currency exchange when departing a country. I try to go cashless, but frequently find myself using…