Author: Al

  • Grappling with the change that new systems bring

    Change is good. Really? My observation is that few people accept change easily…which seems to indicate that they aren’t convinced that change is good. Mark Twain once said, “I’m for progress, it’s change I don’t care for.” Does that sound like  someone you know? Implementing information management systems is a notoriously tough business…with a lot…

  • The Case for an “Engineering Specific” Information Management System

    “We already have a system to manage documents (and/or data) and we don’t understand why the engineering team thinks they need yours.”  I’ve heard statements like this many times over my career. And the reasons behind it make sense. It usually comes from someone on the IT or management team that believes that they’ve already spent…

  • ARC Advisory Group – “Bentley is in a unique position to help organizations improve their infrastructure asset operations…”

    “Bentley’s announcement of its AssetWise initiative to improve infrastructure asset operations is the right move at the right time. In today’s challenging economy, owner-operators, including government organizations, have shifted their focus from new capital projects to improved lifecycle management of existing infrastructure assets. This requires an IT strategy that provides owner-operators the ability to quickly…

  • Ready for “Enterprise Search 2.0”?

    First, I’m not representing any particular vendor here, but will add a link to an interesting site at the end. Google is it…end of story…right? Well, as easy as it is to locate information with Google, search results are provided with context most of the time. Context?…I mean that the search results are normally tailored…